The Volunteer Network creates opportunities for people of all ages to volunteer, learn and lead in their communities. We strive to provide volunteers with high-quality experiences that fuel further action, and we envision a day when everyone is inspired and equipped to be the change they wish to see in the world.


 Sign up and start making a difference today!


Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Applications


Richard Blank
RSVP Volunteer

"I was a physician and I now work with the Meals on Wheels program to make sure the meals are meeting the nutritional needs of the recipients."

Laura Baynham, RN, PHN
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Volunteer

“I have been able to put my skills to use in helping my community. The clients are so excited and thankful to be finally receiving their vaccine and I am grateful to have the opportunity to help.”

Anonymous Meals on Wheels client

"[The Meals on Wheels volunteers] are the only people I see all week, and without them I would feel like a castaway in outer space."

News and Events

News image

The volunteer-based service sends those 55 and older to help in local school classrooms as tutors and one-on-one mentors.

Article by Suzanne Rodriguez for The Press Democrat

Photos by John Burgess

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